With the Federal Budget set to be delivered on Tuesday, 25 March 2025, the big question is: What’s on the table for businesses, industries, and communities across Australia? Australia is facing significant economic challenges, and some predict a difficult time ahead. With inflation, tariffs, interest rates, the cost of living, and housing pressures rising—alongside a decline in exports—Australians want […]
上周,财政部长公布了2024年联邦预算,致力于应对通货膨胀、高利率和生活成本。 在充满挑战的环境中,企业和个人都感受到了压力。为应对这些经济状况,澳大利亚政府要有战略远见并采取适应性措施。 今年的联邦预算正值关键时期,民众对其寄予厚望,期待从中找出紧迫问题的解决方案。我们将探讨 2024/25年联邦预算的各种复杂问题,并发掘其中隐藏的亮点。贵公司可以把握重要机遇,借助有洞察力的见解,抵御财务逆境并实现增长。 联邦预算对贵公司有何意义? 我们的联邦预算快讯帮助您总览预算中的亮点并就贵公司所处行业的潜在机遇提出见解: 农业综合企业 教育 能源与资源 个人与中小型企业 房地产与基础建设
Last night the 2024 Federal Budget was handed down by the Treasurer aiming to address inflation, higher interest rates and cost of living. Businesses and individuals are feeling the pressure navigating through challenging conditions. These economic conditions require strategic foresight and adaptive measures from the Australian government. This year’s Federal Budget comes at a critical […]
Discover the Hidden Gems of the Federal Budget 2024/25. What will it deliver to support you, your business and your industry? With global inflationary pressures, high interest rates and the cost of living crunch, businesses and individuals alike find themselves navigating through challenging conditions. These economic conditions require strategic foresight and adaptive measures from the […]
Last night, the Federal Budget for FY23/24 was handed down by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. The Federal Government delivered a cost of living plan, promising it will not increase inflation. The budget included key measures for energy & resources, SMEs and healthcare with hospitality, tourism and property missing out. Did you miss out on our Federal […]
Greg Will, SW Director and specialist business advisor, talks to Mike Loder, the host of Ticker News, about a recent report on how Australian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are performing in the current economic climate. The report was conducted in partnership with Small Business Australia, a respected advocacy group for SMEs, to identify […]
What will the Federal Budget 2023/24 deliver to support you, your business and your industry? With inflation issues globally, we are seeing continued pressure on interest rates and cost of living, staffing shortages, supply chain issues and rising business costs. This Budget will need to deliver for Australian businesses, and particularly small to medium-sized enterprises […]
Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down our second Federal Budget for FY2022-23 last night. The Labor Party’s first Budget showed spending restraint amidst rising inflation with key investment areas including education, infrastructure and energy & resources. With the change of government, there was great anticipation on the updated Federal Budget. However, this Budget may not provide […]
What will the Federal Budget 2022/23 deliver to support you, your business and your industry? A change in government for the first time in nine years, further interest rate increases expected, staffing shortages, supply chain issues and rising business costs – our fourth Federal Budget in two years will need to deliver for Australian businesses, and […]
Last night, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022/23 Federal Budget, setting the Government up for their pre-election. With a May election fast approaching, there was a lot of anticipation that this Federal Budget would provide much needed support for households in managing the cost of living. While borders have opened, many business in several key […]