The ATO has issued a new draft ruling which outlines and provides examples for when tax deductions for self-education expenses are available to individuals. While the draft Ruling does not introduce significant changes, it provides greater clarity by detailing factors and examples that can be considered. Each taxpayer’s situation will determine the deductibility of their […]
The University Grants Commission (the “UGC”) has published the Draft Regulations that provide a framework for the establishment and operation of campuses of foreign higher educational institutions (FHEI) in India. Under the proposed regulations, foreign institutions may set up a campus in India independently to conduct undergraduate and higher-level degrees in India in all disciplines. […]
The new regulations introduced by International Financial Services Centre Authority (IFSCA) have opened a plethora of opportunities for foreign universities (FU) or foreign educational institutions (FEI) in India. The new regulations allow the FU & FEI to operate an International Branch Campus (IBC) or an Offshore Educational Centre (OBC) in the GIFT City, which is […]
SW has expert knowledge and understanding of the Child Safe Standards to help ensure your organisation is satisfying the new Standards. We have undertaken numerous independent reviews of compliance with the Child Safe Standards to assist organisations identify, check and update documents and processes to meet the new Standards. Updates to the Child Safe Standards […]
我们的联邦预算快讯大致介绍了本事务所专家就预算案提出的见解以及未来可期的机遇。本事务所也专门针对您所属的行业,就联邦预算案中的各项扶持措施能否达到业界期望,发表了看法。 了解联邦预算案在2022年对您有何意义: 农业综合企业 能源与资源 国际业务 托儿 房地产与基础建设 教育 中小型企业与养老金
With new concessions for foreign universities operating in India, take a look to learn about the International Financial Services Centres (IFSC) and the opportunities for Australian universities entering the Indian market. Hear from Dipesh Shah, Executive Director, International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), Sandip Shah, Head of the IFSC Department, Atul Puri, Managing Partner & […]
Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down our second Federal Budget for FY2022-23 last night. The Labor Party’s first Budget showed spending restraint amidst rising inflation with key investment areas including education, infrastructure and energy & resources. With the change of government, there was great anticipation on the updated Federal Budget. However, this Budget may not provide […]
SW experts have prepared a video series to tell you everything you need to know about migrating to Australia. 信永中和專家為您講解移民澳洲的所有需知事項。 Introduction to SMSF | 自我管理退休金簡介(國語中字) Treatment of overseas income | 移民澳洲如何處理海外收入(國語中字) Tax issue of investment in Australia properties | 澳洲房地產投資的稅務問題(粵語中字) Family Trust structure in Australia | 詳解澳洲家族信託架構(粵語中字) Transfer Pricing | 轉讓定價(國語中字) Setting up a business […]
The Victorian Government has delivered the 2022/23 Budget with a clear emphasis on health, education and infrastructure projects in Victoria and no major surprises or material new taxes for Victorian businesses. Key takeaways Although there are no key tax measures introduced, direct property taxes will continue to be the source of over 50% of new […]
Last night, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022/23 Federal Budget, setting the Government up for their pre-election. With a May election fast approaching, there was a lot of anticipation that this Federal Budget would provide much needed support for households in managing the cost of living. While borders have opened, many business in several key […]