We’re excited to bring back the SW Agri Connect Trade Forum, promoting connection and trade in the Agribusiness, Food and Beverage sector. With natural disasters and a pandemic continuing to cause disruption to the industry, plus an outbreak of foot and mouth disease raising concerns, we’re bringing together Agribusiness leaders and sector players to help […]
SW agribusiness advisors and accountants are highly engaged across the industry, and understand your challenges and opportunities. Australia is globally recognised for our clean environment and high production standards, presenting a significant business opportunity for Australian agricultural producers. While Australian producers have outstanding business opportunities and long-term capital growth potential, the agricultural sector is not without challenges […]
Co-hosted with Wine Australia and tailored for the wine sector, our experts: Explore what the EMDG is Discuss how the EMDG is structured and who is eligible Provide practical tips via Q&A. Your guides online Stuart Barclay General Manager – Marketing, Wine Australia Sam Morris Director, SW Thomas Demel Senior Manager, SW Contact us If you […]
The wine sector has been hit hard by the pandemic and changing global trade measures. We’ll be exploring the issues and opportunities for exporters of Australian Wine with real life scenarios, war stories from experts and no cliches! Our experts from South Korea, Japan and India: Explore the latest in the Australian Wine landscape with […]
Grants of up to $50,000 are available to Victorian Primary Producers looking to modernise their production processes. The Victorian Government is investing $10m into primary producers through the Digital Agriculture Investment Scheme. Farmers and agribusinesses can now apply for funding to invest in on-farm digital technologies to improve productivity, resilience and long-term viability. Grant funding […]
The Victorian Government is offering grants of up to $1m to businesses in agriculture supply chains to increase supply chain efficiency, grow existing & new export opportunities, increase value to Victorian food production and encourage collaboration throughout the sector. Grants are offered on a 1:1 funding basis, with grants of $50,000 to $1m available. Grant […]
Key takeaways $300m to address regional telecommunication blackspots $2bn Breakthrough Victoria Fund and the Agricultural College Modernisation Program $30m for the Agriculture Energy Investment Fund Funding to support Victoria’s agricultural exporters Funding to assess regional Victoria’s agriculture industry skill needs. Impact to your business Funding which improves connectivity is welcomed and will help attract more […]
Annual grants of up to $100,000 are available to eligible wine and cider producers who foster wine tourism. The Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant program has been introduced to support producers who add value by encouraging visitors to wine regions and therefore encourage wine tourism. For each financial year, total funding of $10 million […]