Polar 993 Founder Adam Lindell talks fund management insights with SW’s Director Rick Hemphill
Welcome to an exclusive interview series where SW’s Director, Rick, engages in insightful conversations with Polar 993 Founder, Adam Lindell. Together, they dissect the intricate world of fund management, offering an insider’s perspective on the nuances of navigating the financial landscape.
Embark on a journey into the fundamentals of fund management as SW’s Director, Rick Hemphill and Polar 993 Founder, Adam Lindell share invaluable advice tailored for first-time fund managers. Uncover the key insights, strategies, and essential knowledge that lay the groundwork for a successful venture into the world of fund management.
In the second episode, SW’s Director, Rick Hemphill and Polar 993 Founder, Adam Lindell unravel the complexities of capital sourcing, focusing on the pivotal task of raising the initial $25 million. Discover proven strategies, actionable tips, and real-world experiences that illuminate the path for fund managers seeking to secure the crucial capital to kickstart their investment journey.
Join SW’s Director, Rick Hemphill and Polar 993 Founder, Adam Lindell in the final chapter of this enlightening series, where they explore the ever-evolving investment market trends. Delve into the realms of Build-to-Rent (B2R), Build-to-Sell (B2S), and Managed Investment Schemes (MIS). Gain a comprehensive understanding of these trends, empowering fund managers to navigate the dynamic landscape of investment opportunities.