
GRANT ALERT: Community Sports Infrastructure Grant

GRANT ALERT: Community Sports Infrastructure Grant


The Federal Government is accepting applications to the $29.7 million Community Sports Infrastructure Grant program.

The Community Sports Infrastructure Grant program is providing competitive grants up to $500,000 to improve local community sporting infrastructure and facilitate greater participation in sports and physical activity.

What is on offer?

Three grant streams are available (matched on a 1:1 basis) for projects of small to medium scale:

  • Stream 1 – eligible grant funding application up to $50,000
  • Stream 2 – eligible grant funding application up to $50,001 to $200,000
  • Stream 3 – eligible grant funding application up to $200,001 to $500,000.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be operating for at least 12 months as one of the following:

  • A sporting organisation, e.g. community sports club or registered sporting association
  • A local government entity
  • An education institution in an outer regional, remote, or very remote location, and only if community sport infrastructure exists on land owned or managed by the institution’s council/board of management
  • A not-for-profit (NFP) organisation whose NFP status can be demonstrated.

What is eligible?

Projects must address an identified need, gap or deficiency in the availability and/or accessibility of community sport and physical activity infrastructure. Eligible projects can include the following:

  • Upgrades to playing surfaces that support increased use
  • Building, expanding and/or upgrading of change rooms, particularly for girls and women and areas for officials
  • External entry or exit accessible amenities
  • Improving sports lighting and safety lighting, including installation of solar panels
  • Improving ground and court capacity that support increased use
  • Improving spectator amenities
  • Uplifts to internal or external amenities.

Consideration will be given to projects increasing participation equity and inclusiveness for new or under-represented user groups.

The program will not support projects that will be built or upgraded within licenced or gaming areas.

How do I apply?

Applications must be submitted on line by the closing date.

Supporting documents will depend on the grant stream selected. Examples include landowner approval, local Government approval, a project plan, company financials and evidence of support from peak sporting bodies.

Submissions close at 5.00pm 14 September 2018 AEST.

For further information on how to apply, please contact Sam Morris or Tim Stillwell. 

Sam Morris

T 03 8635 1980

Tim Stillwell

T 03 8635 1861


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