Webinars: JobKeeper updates
Access all of our recorded JobKeeper Payment webinars below. Our experts are providing regular updates, helping businesses to make sense of the initiative as it unfolds.
JobKeeper update: 21 September 2020
ATO eligibility reviews have now begun on businesses claiming Jobkeeper 1.0 payments. For those exiting JobKeeper at the end of the month, what do you need to consider before wrapping it up to ensure there are no future financial repercussions? Our team of experts reviewed the details, provided practical examples, addresses issues to be aware of and answered questions on JobKeeper 1.0 and JobKeeper 2.0.
Our JobKeeper Healthcheck service is structured to ensure the employer is compliant with the latest requirements, and the report maps to the information required in the event of a future ATO review. Provided by JobKeeper experts, the report includes guidance and recommendations where there may be issues for the business. The process is designed to be as time-efficient and affordable for your business as possible. Find out more here, or contact us at jobkeeper@sw-au.com.
JobKeeper update: 24 July 2020
An extension of the JobKeeper scheme was announced by the Federal Government on Tuesday 21 July 2020. The extended scheme contains significant modifications to the existing scheme, and we expect only a fraction of current eligible businesses to qualify for Jobkeeper payments through to March 2021. Our tax experts are back with you once again to update you on the detail, the practical, the anomalies and to answer questions below.
JobKeeper update: 28 April 2020
Over the weekend there were a number of updates to the JobKeeper Payment scheme, particularly to the employee eligibility requirements, the decline in turnover test, the wage condition as well as a number of constantly changing administration requirements. Our tax experts break down the latest updates on the JobKeeper Payment below.
JobKeeper update: 24 April 2020
Our experts provided an update on the latest developments to the JobKeeper Payment, including a break down of the long awaited 'Alternative Tests'.
JobKeeper update: 21 April 2020
Our experts discuss newly released documents and ATO guidelines, plus a step-by-step on how to apply the decline in turnover test.
JobKeeper update: 16 April 2020
Our experts answer a number of key questions relating to the JobKeeper Payment, following further clarification provided by the government over the last week.JobKeeper Payment: 09 April 2020
With legislation announcements on 8 April 2020 on the COVID-19 JobKeeper package, we held an update on the details and how they apply to business the following morning. Our experts cover:- Which businesses are eligible, and which are excluded
- How to determine which of your employees are eligible
- How to manage with stood down and rehired employees
- Annual leave payments or entitlements
- How to measure your businesses turnover for the relevant thresholds
- Whether or not your business can use revenue forecasts to demonstrate eligibility
- The application process
How ShineWing Australia can help
There is likely to be a lot of analysis that each business can do internally with the support of Human Resources and the Finance teams to obtain the JobKeeper Payment. But there are also a number of services that ShineWing Australia can provide in order to maximise legitimate claims and provide integrity checks on the data that will be submitted to the ATO. If you believe that your business is eligible to receive the payment, please reach out to your ShineWing Australia expert or submit a JobKeeper enquiry to discuss how we can assist, including support with the following:Turnover decrease
- Correct classification
- Alternative testing / rationale for ATO consideration
Data analytics
- Employee eligibility
- Top up payments required
- Cash flow analysis
- Integrity check on claims with regard to turnover
- Applications / notifications
Matt Birrell | Blake Rodgers | |
Daren Yeoh | Simon Tucker | Rachel Lennox |