Australia is facing significant economic challenges, and some predict a difficult time ahead. With inflation, tariffs, interest rates, the cost of living, and housing pressures rising—alongside a decline in exports—Australians want to know what is in Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ cookbook to tackle these issues and what solutions he can put on the table for the country.
Join us as we digest the details of the 2025 Federal Budget at an informative webinar with an interactive Q&A session.
Our host, Matt Birrell will be joined by ANZ Senior Economist, Madeline Dunk as well as our SW industry experts to breakdown the key details of the FY25 Federal Budget.
Date Wednesday 26 March 2025
Time 9.30am – 11am (AEDT)
Follow us on LinkedIn to receive the latest updates on Federal Budget and other important industry news.
Duane Rogers, CEO of SW, expressed his enthusiasm about this strategic move: “We are incredibly proud to welcome such a talented and experienced team to our Sydney office. With their deep expertise in professional practice and their reputation as trusted advisors, KSW will significantly enhance our service offerings in the region. Their commitment to supporting their people’s career growth and expanding their service portfolio perfectly aligns with our goals as we continue to strengthen our position in Sydney.”
Under the leadership of Managing Partner Michael Goodrick, and supported by fellow partners Kamal Thakkar and Quang Tat, Darren O’Malley and Ben Barter, KSW’s team of 30+ professionals will be integrated into SW, expanding our Sydney presence to over 100 dedicated staff. With more than 50 years of experience in the Sydney market, KSW brings with it a well-established reputation for delivering comprehensive accounting, auditing, tax, and business advisory services across key industries such as professional and financial services, manufacturing, software and technology, start ups, construction and maintenance, storage, advertising and media, mining, retailers and property.
Michael Goodrick, Managing Partner of KSW, commented, “The culture we’ve cultivated at KSW has been the result of decades of hard work and commitment. We’re excited to join a firm like SW, whose values and culture align with ours. Their focus on building lasting relationships with both clients and people is something we’ve always stood by, and we are confident that this partnership will allow us to continue to support the needs of our clients while offering exceptional career pathways for our team.”
This addition to the SW team is a testament to the firm’s ongoing commitment to supporting the growth and development of its people. The integration of KSW’s team will further bolster SW’s core divisions, including Business and Private Clients and Assurance and Advisory services, providing additional resources to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
“We are focused on creating career pathways for our people and expanding our services to meet the growing demands of our clients,” said Michael Goodrick. “This partnership will empower us to deliver even more comprehensive solutions, including audit, corporate finance, and specialist tax services, while ensuring that our team has access to a broad range of professional growth opportunities.”
Michael Goodrick added, “We are excited to join a firm with a clear growth strategy, supported by a culture rooted in values and a strong commitment to client service. This opportunity will allow us to better serve our clients and expand our professional reach, both nationally and internationally.”
The expansion into Sydney follows the addition of key partners, including Greg Will from Armstrong Dawson in 2022 and Vanessa Priest and Kirsty McDonnell in 2024. This continued growth enhances SW’s ability to deliver high-quality services across a range of sectors and solidifies its reputation as an employer of choice in the accounting and advisory industry.
At SW, we believe our ability to attract high-calibre talent speaks to our strong values, culture, and commitment to growth. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to building a workplace where individuals can thrive and build meaningful careers while contributing to the long-term success of our clients.
Amanda Lee | Chief Marketing Officer
T | +61 8653 1853
M | +61 430 322 306
E | alee@sw-au.com
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Commenting on Blake’s appointment, SW’s CEO, Duane Rogers, stated: “Blake’s promotion is a testament to his exceptional dedication, expertise, and contributions to our clients and the firm. His leadership in the Property & Infrastructure industry group and private client space has seen him involved in key initiatives including the flagship Emerging Developer Series, Commercial rent relief, State and Federal budgets and the ACBC Property Development working group. We are thrilled to welcome him to the partnership.”
Tim Stillwell, National Head of Business Private & Client Advisory, also shared his thoughts: “Blake’s high calibre of technical, personable, communicative and commercial acumen demonstrated over the past eight years is unquestionable. He consistently delivers tailored solutions to clients and mentors colleagues with genuine care and insight. His strategic thinking and collaborative approach make him an invaluable leader within SW.”
Since joining SW in 2016 from PwC as a Manager, Blake has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to providing innovative solutions and building strong relationships with clients across the property and construction sectors. He is well-regarded for his expertise in property, working with many clients that continue to grow, invest in projects, fund and syndicate third party projects. Blake’s focus in supporting national opportunities, with a focus also in Victoria and on regional areas such as Geelong, also demonstrates his passion for supporting team growth and development.
Mr Rogers further states: “This appointment reflects SW’s dedication to cultivating a thriving environment for its people and delivering exceptional value to its clients. Our Senior Leader program, having received several accolades this year is testament to the investment we make in our people in supporting them on their career journey.
Our offices will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024, reopening Monday 6 January 2024.
CEO of SW, Mr Duane Rogers says: “We are immensely proud of Amanda receiving this recognition for her achievements in professional services. This award is a testament to her accomplishments and her significant ongoing contribution to our firm.”
In 2024, Amanda led the firms public branding campaign titled “Australia’s best kept accounting secret.” This included comprehensive market research, stakeholder engagement, and led an in-house creative solution.
Chair of SW and the firm’s Financial Services Industry Group, Mr. Stephen O’Flynn, commended Amanda’s dedication to mental health, policy creation, and mentorship, noting her leadership in initiatives such as the firms Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), Voluntary Modern Slavery Statement and advancing Gender Equality. Her commitment also earned her a place as the employee representative on SW’s CSR Committee.
Amanda has also been integral to SW’s l International Women’s Day events, and this year, she organised and moderated a panel of three SW female partners to discuss the UN theme ‘Invest in Women – Accelerate Progress’, inspiring young women at SW.”
Amanda says: “No one wins these awards by themselves. I have a brilliant team and have had the support and encouragement of so many people across my career and especially at SW. Thank you to Stephen for the nomination, I love our culture and I’m excited to be able to put a spotlight on such a great firm. Congratulations to WiBF on creating this incredible platform for women and to all the other finalists.”
Mr. O’Flynn further added “We are incredibly proud of Amanda and all that she has achieved as a leader at SW. She consistently delivers results beyond expectations and embodies a commitment to driving tangible changes, promoting diversity, and supporting socially responsible outcomes. Celebrated for her enthusiasm and dedication, Amanda has been recognised twice as a Value Leader, receiving the ‘Love Your Work – Value Award.”
Congratulations Amanda! We are thrilled to see WiBF acknowledge your impactful contributions both at SW and within the broader sector.
• 香港信永中和会计师事务所高级顾问
• 澳洲信永中和会计师事务所国际业务总监
• 在会计师行业执业超过40年,提供审计,国际税务规划,跨境并购服务
• 灏信会计师事务所创始合伙人、会计学学士、国际经济与商法硕士,拥有国际上多项会计相关专业资格。
• 2021及2024年分别取得深圳前海蛇口片区及广州南沙片区、南沙新区港澳涉税专业人士执业资格。
• 拥有逾十年外部审计、澳门税务及财务策划等方面经验,熟悉澳门税制,香港、澳门及内地之经营及商业环境
中国会计师行业从新启动是最近几十年的事情,但行业发展和跟国际接轨的速度相当快。如果能够落实中国注册会计师协会行业发展规划(2021-2025 年)所定的主要目标,相信能够进一步促进中港澳三地会计师的互联互通,给企业和商业社会带来新机遇。
粤港澳三地分别在2010 年、2011年共同签署了《粤港合作框架协议》及《粤澳合作框架协议》,其中包含了许多与三地会计衔接有关的内容,三地会计领域的衔接与合作也从非正式转为正式,提升了会计合作水平,推动了三地会计师服务行业规则对接、会计资格互认、人才跨境执业的积极探索。
在粤港澳大湾区整合发展的大背景下, 三地的会计师及税务师可以如何加强信息和资源共享,提升整体服务水平?
政府兑现了承诺,将 VRLT 度假屋豁免扩大适用至公司和信托持有的土地。根据目前议会正在审议的《2024年州税修正案》,在 2023 年 11 月 28 日之前持有家庭度假屋的公司和信托将能申请豁免,与个人申请豁免基本相同。
在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前要及早思考并实施任何紧急措施,以确保在下一轮评估中取得预期成果。
· 对被认定为在一个自然年内“空置 ”超过 6 个月的维多利亚州住宅物业征收的年度物业税
· 其目前适用于墨尔本内城区的土地,但从 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,其将适用于维多利亚州全境的住宅物业
· 此外,还需缴纳州土地税和联邦年度空置费
· 目前税率为土地资本改良价值的 1%,而如果土地连续三年需要缴纳 VRLT,税率就可能会提高到 3%。
如果业主所拥有的居住用地在上一个自然年内空置超过 6 个月,则应在 1 月 15 日之前通知州税局。
自 2026 年 1 月 1 日起,VRLT 将适用于墨尔本大都会区内所有至少 5 年未开发且可用于住宅开发的未改良居住用地。
VRLT 度假屋豁免是本事务所客户最热议的话题。在该法案提出之前,度假屋豁免主要只适用于个人住宅业主,不包括信托和公司持有的物业。这引起了业主们极大的关注,因为通过公司和信托持有度假屋以达到资产保护和其他目的的做法很常见。
对于在维州拥有度假屋的公司和信托公司,如果满足以下条件,则可免征 VRLT:
a. 业主在 2023 年 11 月 28 日持有度假屋,或在该日期之后根据 2023 年 11 月 28 日或之前订立的合同购得该物业,且业主自此一直持有该物业
b. 自 2023 年 11 月 28 日以来,土地业主的股权或实益权益没有发生变化,除非相关变化涉及亲属
c. 若为土地业主公司或单位信托,则需要由一人或多人在该公司或信托至少持股50%,而且这些人要在澳大利亚拥有另一处以主要居住地(PPR)为用途并居住的物业。对于拥有土地的家族全权信托,指定受益人或亲属必须曾经在澳大利亚把另一块土地用作PPR并居住。
d. c 段所述个人在一个自然年内将土地用作度假屋并居住的时间至少达到 4 周。
e. 州税专员在考虑了土地的位置、土地与相关个人的 PPR 之间的距离以及土地使用的性质和频率后,确信土地是作为度假屋使用并居住的。
公司和单位信托持有的度假屋面临的挑战是,要获得豁免资格,至少 50%的公司股份或信托单位需由个人直接持有。一般来说,股份或单位是通过全权信托持有的,而不是由个人直接持有。因此,这些公司和单位信托将不符合豁免条件。澳大利亚房地产理事会已将这一限制通知政府,希望政府能重新审视这一立场。
对于有资格申请度假屋豁免的业主,他们还可以就其拥有的与度假屋相邻的、仅用于度假屋使用和居住者的私人利益和享受的任何土地(例如网球场和游泳池)获得 VRLT 豁免。这项豁免适用于在墨尔本大都会区拥有度假屋和连续性土地(产权分开)的业主,因为从 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,墨尔本大都会区内的空置土地未改良 5 年或以上的,需缴纳 VRLT。
维多利亚州度假屋业主应仔细考虑上述变化以及任何适当行动,以充分利用现有的相关豁免。在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前要及早思考并实施任何紧急措施,以确保在下一轮评估中取得预期成果。